# File: forward_brute_force.py, Author: Cedric Travelletti, Date: 12.04.2019.
""" This script runs the inversion on the synthetic dataset created using
Note that hyperparameters have to be manually specified, so one should run
:code:`train` before in order to determine the optimal hyperparameters.
from volcapy.inverse.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess
import volcapy.covariance.matern32 as cl
import numpy as np
import os
# Should refactor this.
# This had to be inserted to make the sript run-protected for autodoc.
[docs]def prelude():
# Should be loaded from metadata file.
nx = 80
ny = 80
nz = 80
res_x = 50
res_y = 50
res_z = 50
# Set up logging.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Now torch in da place.
import torch
# General torch settings and devices.
gpu = torch.device('cuda:0')
cpu = torch.device('cpu')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
data_folder = "/home/cedric/PHD/Dev/Volcano/volcapy/synthetic/out/"
# data_folder = "/idiap/temp/ctravelletti/tflow/Volcano/volcapy/synthetic/out"
# Regular grid.
reg_coords = np.load(os.path.join(data_folder, "reg_coords_synth.npy"))
volcano_inds = np.load(os.path.join(data_folder, "volcano_inds_synth.npy"))
data_values = np.load(os.path.join(data_folder, "data_values_synth.npy"))
F = np.load(os.path.join(data_folder, "F_synth.npy"))
n_data = data_values.shape[0]
# Careful: we have to make a column vector here.
data_std = 0.1
d_obs = data_values.astype(np.float32)
# Indices of the volcano inside the regular grid.
volcano_coords = reg_coords.astype(np.float32)[volcano_inds]
F = F.astype(np.float32)
d_obs = torch.as_tensor(data_values[:, None]).float()
volcano_coords = torch.as_tensor(volcano_coords).detach().float()
F = torch.as_tensor(F).float()
data_cov = torch.eye(n_data, dtype=torch.float32)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
sigma0_init = 193.85703
m0 = 1439.846
lambda0 = 422.0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
out_folder = "/home/cedric/PHD/Dev/Volcano/volcapy/synthetic/forwards"
# out_folder = "/idiap/temp/ctravelletti/tflow/Volcano/volcapy/synthetic/forwards"
# Create the GP model.
data_std = 0.1
myGP = GaussianProcess(F, d_obs, data_cov, sigma0_init,
[docs]def main(out_folder, lambda0, sigma0):
# Run prelude.
# Create the covariance pushforward.
cov_pushfwd = cl.compute_cov_pushforward(
lambda0, F, volcano_coords, cpu, n_chunks=200,
K_d = torch.mm(F, cov_pushfwd)
# Once finished, run a forward pass.
m_post_m, m_post_d = myGP.condition_model(
cov_pushfwd, F, sigma0, concentrate=True)
m_post_d = myGP.condition_data(
K_d, sigma0, concentrate=True)
# Compute diagonal of posterior covariance.
post_cov_diag = myGP.compute_post_cov_diag(
cov_pushfwd, volcano_coords, lambda0, sigma0, cl)
# Compute train_error
train_error = myGP.train_RMSE()
logger.info("Train error: {}".format(train_error.item()))
# Compute LOOCV RMSE.
loocv_rmse = myGP.loo_error()
logger.info("LOOCV error: {}".format(loocv_rmse.item()))
# Once finished, run a forward pass.
m_post_m, m_post_d = myGP.condition_model(
cov_pushfwd, F, sigma0, concentrate=True)
# Compute train_error
train_error = myGP.train_RMSE()
logger.info("Train error: {}".format(train_error.item()))
# Compute LOOCV RMSE.
loocv_rmse = myGP.loo_error()
logger.info("LOOCV error: {}".format(loocv_rmse.item()))
# Save
filename = "m_post_" + str(int(lambda0)) + "_sqexp.npy"
np.save(os.path.join(out_folder, filename), m_post_m)
filename = "post_cov_diag_" + str(int(lambda0)) + "_sqexp.npy"
np.save(os.path.join(out_folder, filename), post_cov_diag)
filename = "cov_pushfwd_" + str(int(lambda0)) + "_sqexp.npy"
np.save(os.path.join(out_folder, filename), cov_pushfwd)
# ---------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------
# Save to VTK format..
from volcapy.synthetic.vtkutils import save_vtk
# Have to put back in rectangular grid.
m_post_reg = np.zeros(reg_coords.shape[0])
m_post_reg[volcano_inds] = m_post_m.numpy().reshape(-1)
save_vtk(m_post_reg, (nx, ny, nz), res_x, res_y, res_z,
if __name__ == "__main__":
main(out_folder, lambda0, sigma0_init)