This code generates a synthetic volcano and corresponding dataset.
The generated forward operator, inversion grid, data sites coordinates, etc ...
will be stored as numpy array files (.npy).
See the documentation of the :code:`main` function below for more information
on the outputs.
import volcapy.synthetic.grid as gd
from volcapy.synthetic.vtkutils import save_vtk
import numpy as np
import os
[docs]def main():
The forward operator
A regular grid, stored as a n_cells * n_dims array.
A list specifying the indices (in the regular grid) that correspond to volcano cells.
Coordinates of the data sites.
(Computed) value of the data measurements.
The matter density inside the synthetic volcano. Note tha this is on the regular grid, with zeros for cells outside the volcano.
# Generate gridded cube.
nx = 80
ny = 80
nz = 80
res_x = 50
res_y = 50
res_z = 50
reg_coords = gd.build_cube(nx, res_x, ny, res_y, nz, res_z)
# Put evenly spaced measurement sites on the surface of the cube.
max_x = np.max(reg_coords[:, 0])
# Put matter in a cone.
cone_inds, surface_inds = gd.build_random_cone(reg_coords, nx, ny, nz)
# Discard cells that are not in the cone when building the forward.
volcano_coords = reg_coords[cone_inds]
# Put matter inside the volcano.
density = np.zeros((reg_coords.shape[0],), dtype=np.float32)
# Note that we keep the regular grid arrays for visualization purposes, but use
# irregular arrays (with only the volcano cells) during inversion to make it
# lighter.
irreg_density = density[cone_inds]
irreg_density[:] = 1500
# Add an overdensity.
(volcano_coords[:, 0] > 500) & (volcano_coords[:, 0] < 2000)
& (volcano_coords[:, 1] > 1000) & (volcano_coords[:, 1] < 2000)
& (volcano_coords[:, 2] > 0) & (volcano_coords[:, 2] < 2000))] = 1700.0
# UnderDensity on top of volcano.
(volcano_coords[:, 0] > 0) & (volcano_coords[:, 0] < 5000)
& (volcano_coords[:, 1] > 0) & (volcano_coords[:, 1] < 5000)
& (volcano_coords[:, 2] > 2500) & (volcano_coords[:, 2] < 4500))] = 1200.0
# Middle layer is way heavier.
irreg_density[(volcano_coords[:, 2] > 1500) & (volcano_coords[:, 2] < 3000)] = 2000.0
# ------------------------------------
# Create a chimney inside the volcano.
# ------------------------------------
# Center in the x-y plane.
x_center = np.mean(reg_coords[:, 0])
y_center = np.mean(reg_coords[:, 1])
x_radius = (np.max(reg_coords[:, 0]) - np.min(reg_coords[:, 0])) / 2.0
y_radius = (np.max(reg_coords[:, 1]) - np.min(reg_coords[:, 1])) / 2.0
# Take as radius of the cone the mean of the two radiuses.
R = (x_radius + y_radius) / 2.0
(volcano_coords[:, 0] - x_center)**2
+ (volcano_coords[:, 1] - y_center)**2 < (0.4 * R)**2)] = 1000.0
print("Mean density {}".format(np.mean(irreg_density)))
density[cone_inds] = irreg_density
data_coords = gd.generate_regular_surface_datapoints(
0.0, max_x, 5, 0.0, max_x, 5, 0.0, max_x, 5, offset=0.1)
# -------
# -------
# We put measurements close to the surface by randomly selecting surface cells
# and adding a small vertical shift.
n_data = 500
data_inds = np.random.choice(surface_inds, n_data, replace=False)
data_coords = reg_coords[data_inds]
offset = 0.05 * res_z
data_coords[:, 2] = data_coords[:, 2] + offset
# Compute the forward operator.
F = gd.compute_forward(volcano_coords, res_x, res_y, res_z, data_coords)
# Generate artificial measurements.
data_values = F @ irreg_density
# Save
out_folder = "./out/"
np.save(os.path.join(out_folder, "F_synth.npy"), F)
np.save(os.path.join(out_folder,"reg_coords_synth.npy"), reg_coords)
np.save(os.path.join(out_folder,"volcano_inds_synth.npy"), cone_inds)
np.save(os.path.join(out_folder,"data_coords_synth.npy"), data_coords)
np.save(os.path.join(out_folder,"data_values_synth.npy"), data_values)
np.save(os.path.join(out_folder,"density_synth.npy"), density)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save to VTK for alter visualiation with Paraview.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
save_vtk(density, (nx, ny, nz), res_x, res_y, res_z,
os.path.join(out_folder, "density_synth.mhd"))
# Also save a grid with location of the measurements.
data_sites_reg = np.zeros(reg_coords.shape[0])
data_sites_reg[data_inds] = 1
save_vtk(data_sites_reg, (nx, ny, nz), res_x, res_y, res_z,
os.path.join(out_folder, "data_sites_synth.mhd"))
if __name__ == "__main__":