Source code for volcapy.synthetic.build_synth_data

This code generates a synthetic volcano and corresponding dataset.
The generated forward operator, inversion grid, data sites coordinates, etc ...
will be stored as numpy array files (.npy).

See the documentation of the :code:`main` function below for more information
on the outputs.

import volcapy.synthetic.grid as gd
from volcapy.synthetic.vtkutils import save_vtk
import numpy as np
import os

[docs]def main(): """ Returns ------- F_synth.npy: The forward operator reg_coords_synth.npy: A regular grid, stored as a n_cells * n_dims array. volcano_inds_synth.npy: A list specifying the indices (in the regular grid) that correspond to volcano cells. data_coords_synth.npy: Coordinates of the data sites. data_values_synth.npy: (Computed) value of the data measurements. density_synth.npy: The matter density inside the synthetic volcano. Note tha this is on the regular grid, with zeros for cells outside the volcano. """ # Generate gridded cube. nx = 80 ny = 80 nz = 80 res_x = 50 res_y = 50 res_z = 50 reg_coords = gd.build_cube(nx, res_x, ny, res_y, nz, res_z) # Put evenly spaced measurement sites on the surface of the cube. max_x = np.max(reg_coords[:, 0]) # Put matter in a cone. cone_inds, surface_inds = gd.build_random_cone(reg_coords, nx, ny, nz) # Discard cells that are not in the cone when building the forward. volcano_coords = reg_coords[cone_inds] # Put matter inside the volcano. density = np.zeros((reg_coords.shape[0],), dtype=np.float32) # Note that we keep the regular grid arrays for visualization purposes, but use # irregular arrays (with only the volcano cells) during inversion to make it # lighter. irreg_density = density[cone_inds] irreg_density[:] = 1500 # Add an overdensity. irreg_density[( (volcano_coords[:, 0] > 500) & (volcano_coords[:, 0] < 2000) & (volcano_coords[:, 1] > 1000) & (volcano_coords[:, 1] < 2000) & (volcano_coords[:, 2] > 0) & (volcano_coords[:, 2] < 2000))] = 1700.0 # UnderDensity on top of volcano. irreg_density[( (volcano_coords[:, 0] > 0) & (volcano_coords[:, 0] < 5000) & (volcano_coords[:, 1] > 0) & (volcano_coords[:, 1] < 5000) & (volcano_coords[:, 2] > 2500) & (volcano_coords[:, 2] < 4500))] = 1200.0 # Middle layer is way heavier. irreg_density[(volcano_coords[:, 2] > 1500) & (volcano_coords[:, 2] < 3000)] = 2000.0 # ------------------------------------ # Create a chimney inside the volcano. # ------------------------------------ # Center in the x-y plane. x_center = np.mean(reg_coords[:, 0]) y_center = np.mean(reg_coords[:, 1]) x_radius = (np.max(reg_coords[:, 0]) - np.min(reg_coords[:, 0])) / 2.0 y_radius = (np.max(reg_coords[:, 1]) - np.min(reg_coords[:, 1])) / 2.0 # Take as radius of the cone the mean of the two radiuses. R = (x_radius + y_radius) / 2.0 irreg_density[( (volcano_coords[:, 0] - x_center)**2 + (volcano_coords[:, 1] - y_center)**2 < (0.4 * R)**2)] = 1000.0 print("Mean density {}".format(np.mean(irreg_density))) density[cone_inds] = irreg_density """ data_coords = gd.generate_regular_surface_datapoints( 0.0, max_x, 5, 0.0, max_x, 5, 0.0, max_x, 5, offset=0.1) """ # ------- # WARNING # ------- # We put measurements close to the surface by randomly selecting surface cells # and adding a small vertical shift. n_data = 500 data_inds = np.random.choice(surface_inds, n_data, replace=False) data_coords = reg_coords[data_inds] offset = 0.05 * res_z data_coords[:, 2] = data_coords[:, 2] + offset # Compute the forward operator. F = gd.compute_forward(volcano_coords, res_x, res_y, res_z, data_coords) # Generate artificial measurements. data_values = F @ irreg_density # Save out_folder = "./out/", "F_synth.npy"), F),"reg_coords_synth.npy"), reg_coords),"volcano_inds_synth.npy"), cone_inds),"data_coords_synth.npy"), data_coords),"data_values_synth.npy"), data_values),"density_synth.npy"), density) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Save to VTK for alter visualiation with Paraview. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- save_vtk(density, (nx, ny, nz), res_x, res_y, res_z, os.path.join(out_folder, "density_synth.mhd")) # Also save a grid with location of the measurements. data_sites_reg = np.zeros(reg_coords.shape[0]) data_sites_reg[data_inds] = 1 save_vtk(data_sites_reg, (nx, ny, nz), res_x, res_y, res_z, os.path.join(out_folder, "data_sites_synth.mhd")) if __name__ == "__main__": main()