import numpy as np
import plotly.offline as plt
import plotly.graph_objs as go
[docs]def plot(vals, coords, cmin=2150, cmax=2550.0, n_sample=0):
""" Plot 3 dimensional scalar field.
vals: List[float]
List of values to plot.
x_coords: List[float]
x-coordinate of the data points. Should have the same lenght as the
list of values.
y_coords: List[float]
z_coords: List[float]
n_sample: int
If non zero, then will only plot n_sample randomly selected points from
the dataset. Useful for visualizing heavy datasets.
dim = len(vals)
if n_sample > 0:
# Sample randomly and plot.
plot_indices = np.random.random_integers(0, dim - 1, size=(n_sample))
# Otherwise just use all indices.
plot_indices = list(range(dim))
plot_x = coords[plot_indices, 0]
plot_y = coords[plot_indices, 1]
plot_z = coords[plot_indices, 2]
plot_vals = vals[plot_indices]
myplot = go.Scatter3d(
x=plot_x, y=plot_y, z=plot_z,
marker=dict(size=3.2, opacity=1.0, color=plot_vals,
cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax,
colorscale='Jet', colorbar=dict(title='plot'))))
layout = go.Layout()
fig = go.Figure(data=[myplot], layout=layout)
[docs]def plot_region(region_inds, vals, coords, cmin=2150, cmax=2550.0, n_sample=0):
""" Same as above, but only plot a certain region. The region is defined by
passing the indices of the cell in the region.
region_inds: 1D array-like
Indices of the cells in the region.
vals: List[float]
List of values to plot.
x_coords: List[float]
x-coordinate of the data points. Should have the same lenght as the
list of values.
y_coords: List[float]
z_coords: List[float]
n_sample: int
If non zero, then will only plot n_sample randomly selected points from
the dataset. Useful for visualizing heavy datasets.
# Subset the corrresponding values.
slice_vals = vals[region_inds]
slice_coords = coords[region_inds, :]
plot(slice_vals, slice_coords,cmin, cmax, n_sample)
[docs]def plot_z_slice(slice_height, vals, coords,cmin=2150, cmax=2550.0, n_sample=0):
""" Same as above, but only plot as slice of fixed z coordinate.
slice_height: float or List[float]
Value of the z coordinate along which to slice.
If a list, then will plot several slices.
vals: List[float]
List of values to plot.
x_coords: List[float]
x-coordinate of the data points. Should have the same lenght as the
list of values.
y_coords: List[float]
z_coords: List[float]
n_sample: int
If non zero, then will only plot n_sample randomly selected points from
the dataset. Useful for visualizing heavy datasets.
# If list, then have to slice several times.
if not isinstance(slice_height, list):
# Get the indices of the cells in the slice.
slice_inds = coords[:, 2] == slice_height
# Create empyt boolean array, one hot encoding of cells we will plot.
slice_inds = np.empty(coords.shape[0], dtype='bool')
slice_inds[:] = False
for h in slice_height:
slice_inds = np.logical_or(slice_inds, coords[:, 2] == h)
plot_region(slice_inds, vals, coords,cmin, cmax, n_sample)
[docs]def plot_x_slice(slice_x, vals, coords,cmin=2150, cmax=2550.0, n_sample=0):
""" Same as above, but only plot as slice of fixed z coordinate.
slice_height: float or List[float]
Value of the z coordinate along which to slice.
If a list, then will plot several slices.
vals: List[float]
List of values to plot.
x_coords: List[float]
x-coordinate of the data points. Should have the same lenght as the
list of values.
y_coords: List[float]
z_coords: List[float]
n_sample: int
If non zero, then will only plot n_sample randomly selected points from
the dataset. Useful for visualizing heavy datasets.
# If list, then have to slice several times.
if not isinstance(slice_x, list):
# Get the indices of the cells in the slice.
slice_inds = coords[:, 0] == slice_x
# Create empyt boolean array, one hot encoding of cells we will plot.
slice_inds = np.empty(coords.shape[0], dtype='bool')
slice_inds[:] = False
for h in slice_x:
slice_inds = np.logical_or(slice_inds, coords[:, 0] == h)
plot_region(slice_inds, vals, coords,cmin, cmax, n_sample)
[docs]def plot_y_slice(slice_y, vals, coords,cmin=2150, cmax=2550.0, n_sample=0):
""" Same as above, but only plot as slice of fixed z coordinate.
slice_height: float or List[float]
Value of the z coordinate along which to slice.
If a list, then will plot several slices.
vals: List[float]
List of values to plot.
x_coords: List[float]
x-coordinate of the data points. Should have the same lenght as the
list of values.
y_coords: List[float]
z_coords: List[float]
n_sample: int
If non zero, then will only plot n_sample randomly selected points from
the dataset. Useful for visualizing heavy datasets.
# If list, then have to slice several times.
if not isinstance(slice_y, list):
# Get the indices of the cells in the slice.
slice_inds = coords[:, 1] == slice_y
# Create empyt boolean array, one hot encoding of cells we will plot.
slice_inds = np.empty(coords.shape[0], dtype='bool')
slice_inds[:] = False
for h in slice_y:
slice_inds = np.logical_or(slice_inds, coords[:, 1] == h)
plot_region(slice_inds, vals, coords,cmin, cmax, n_sample)