Source code for volcapy.niklas.dsm

# File:, Author: Cedric Travelletti, Date: 15.01.2019.
""" Class implementing dsm functionalities.
Also allows to build a dsm object from the raw Niklas data.

A dsm is basically a two dimensional array of cell, where for each cell we get
the midpoint along the x-y axis and the elevation.

Since we only have midpoints, and since the cells might have different sizes,
we also need a list of resolutions.

import h5py
import numpy as np

# Import the definition of a Cell from inversion_grid, so that we have a
# coherent data format across modules.
from volcapy.niklas.inversion_grid import Cell

[docs]class CellDSM(): """ Cell for DSM. The difference is that the dsm gives us midpoints, whereas cells in the inversion grid are defined by their corners. We thus use the resolution of each cell to return the corners. """ def __init__(self, x, y, z, res_x, res_y): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.res_x = res_x self.res_y = res_y # Return the lower corner along x. @property def xl(self): return self.x - self.res_x / 2.0 @property def xh(self): return self.x + self.res_x / 2.0 @property def yl(self): return self.y - self.res_y / 2.0 @property def yh(self): return self.y + self.res_y / 2.0 # For z, we only have the altitude of the midpoint, there is no notion of # resolution, so we return the same for high and low. @property def zl(self): return self.z @property def zh(self): return self.z
[docs]class DSM: """ DSM functionalities """ def __init__(self, longs, lats, elevations, res_x, res_y): """ Default constructor to create dsm from a list of x-coordinates (longitudes), y-coordinates (latitudes) and a matrix of elevations (first coordinate for x-axis). Parameters ---------- longs: [float] lats: [float] elevations [[float]] 2D array, elevations[i, j] gives the elevation of the cell with coordinates longs[i], lats[j]. res_x: [float] For each x-cell, gives its size in meters. res_y: [float] """ self.xs = longs self.ys = lats self.elevations = elevations self.dimx = len(self.xs) self.dimy = len(self.ys) self.res_x = res_x self.res_y = res_y
[docs] @classmethod def from_matfile(cls, path): """ Construct from matlab data. Parameters ---------- path: string Path to .mat file. Data inside should have the same format as provided by Niklas. """ dataset = h5py.File(path, 'r') # DSM # We have arrays of arrays, so we flatten to be one dimensional. xs = np.ndarray.flatten(np.array(dataset['x'])) ys = np.ndarray.flatten(np.array(dataset['y'])) elevations = np.array(dataset['z']) # Build a dsm matrix. dsm = [] for i in range(xs.size): for j in range(ys.size): dsm.append([xs[i], ys[j], elevations[i, j]]) dsm = np.array(dsm) # TODO: Clean this. # We have to specify the size of each dsm cell. # This could be computed automatically. # For the moment being, we hardcode the size of Niklas dsm here. dem_res_x = 50*[100] + 5*194*[10] + 70*[100] dem_res_y = 50*[100] + 5*190*[10] + 75*[100] return cls(xs, ys, elevations, dem_res_x, dem_res_y)
def __getitem__(self, index): """ Return the coordinates/elecation of the cell at the given index. Also allows for slicing (i.e. giving an array of indices instead of a single scalar tuple. This returns a Cell object, to make the data format compatible with the inversion_grid module. """ # If we get a tuple, then we simply have to return the single cell it # indexes. if isinstance(index, tuple): return self._get_individual_item(index[0], index[1]) # If not, then we need to iterate the list we were provided, build once # cell each time, store them in a list and return the list. else: cells = [] for ind in index: cells.append(self._get_individual_item(ind[0], ind[1])) return cells def _get_individual_item(self, i, j): """ Helper function for the above. Builds and return the cell corresponding the a single index. Then, we chain it with the above in order to allow the user to provide a list of indices and get back a list of cells. Parameters ---------- i: int Index along the x-dimension. j: int Index along the y-dimension. Returns ------- CellDSM """ # Get the resolutions and lat/longs/elevations. res_x = self.res_x[i] res_y = self.res_y[j] x = self.xs[i] y = self.ys[j] elevation = self.elevations[i, j] # Create a cell and return it. # Note the difference between dsm an the inversion grid. # In the dsm we only get the midpoints, so we use the resolutions to # compute the boundaries of the cell. # Also, we only have one elevation, so we put zh to 0. return CellDSM(x, y, elevation, res_x, res_y)