meslas.covariance package¶
meslas.covariance.cross_covariances module¶
Cross-covariance models.
- class meslas.covariance.cross_covariances.LinearTrendCrossCov(gamma0, sigma0s, betas, s0)¶
Create a linear trend cross-covariance.
- Parameters:
- gamma0: Tensor
Coupling parameter.
- sigma0s: (p) Tensor
Vector of individual standard deviation (constant part) for each to the p components.
- betas: (p, n_dim) Tensor
List of vectors of linear trends for each of the p components. The final model is sigma_i(s) = sigma0s[i] + betas[i, :] * s.
- Returns:
- function(L1, L2)
(S1, L1, S2, L2)
- class meslas.covariance.cross_covariances.ParabolicTrendCrossCov(gamma0, sigma0s, betas, s0)¶
Create a parabolic trend cross-covariance.
- Parameters:
- gamma0: Tensor
Coupling parameter.
- sigma0s: (p) Tensor
Vector of individual standard deviation (constant part) for each to the p components.
- betas: (p, n_dim, n_dim) Tensor
Parabolic trend defined by a quadratic form for each component. The final model is
sigma_i(s) = sigma0s[i] + (s - s0)**2 * betas[i, :, :] * (s - s0)**2.
- Returns:
- function(L1, L2)
(S1, L1, S2, L2)
- class meslas.covariance.cross_covariances.UniformMixing(gamma0, sigmas)¶
Create a uniform mixing cross-covariance.
- Parameters:
- gamma0: Tensor
Coupling parameter.
- sigmas: (p) Tensor
Vector of individual standard deviation for each to the p components.
- Returns:
- function(L1, L2)
(S1, L1, S2, L2)
meslas.covariance.heterotopic module¶
Code for multidimensional sampling. We will be considering multivariate random fields Z=(Z^1, …, Z^p). The term response index denotes the index of the component of the field we ate considering.
We will sometime use the word measurement point to denote a (location, response index) pair.
We will be using the notation conventions from the papers.
x’s will denote a location j’s will denote reponse a index
Uppercase for concatenated quantities, i.e. a big X is a vector of x’s.
First dimension of tensors represent the different samples/locations (batch dimension). Other dimensions are for the “dimensions” of the repsonse (or input domain).
# TODO: Inmplement convenience methods for full sampling (all indices).
Spatial locations will be denoted by s, capital letters for bunches. Response indices denoted by l. Couple of (locations, response indices) denoted by x.
- class meslas.covariance.heterotopic.FactorCovariance(spatial_cov, cross_cov, n_out)¶
General (not necessarily stationary) separable covariance function.
- Parameters:
- spatial_cov: function(H)
Spatial covariance function.
- cross_cov: function(L1, L2)
Cross-covariance function.
- n_out: int
Number of output dimensions.
(S1, S2, L1, L2)Same as above, but for vector of measurements.
- K(S1, S2, L1, L2)¶
Same as above, but for vector of measurements.
- Parameters:
- S1: (M, d) Tensor
Spatial location vector. Note if d=1, should still have two dimensions.
- S2: (N, d) Tensor
Spatial location vector.
- L1: (M) Tensor
Response indices vector.
- L2: (N) Tensor
Response indices vector.
- Returns:
- K: (M, N) Tensor
Covariane matrix between the two sets of measurements.
- class meslas.covariance.heterotopic.FactorStationaryCovariance(spatial_cov, cross_cov, n_out)¶
Convenience class for specifiying a factor model.
- Parameters:
- spatial_cov: function(H)
Spatial covariance function.
- cross_cov: function(L1, L2)
Cross-covariance function.
- n_out: int
Number of output dimensions.
- class meslas.covariance.heterotopic.StationaryCovariance(factor_stationary_cov)¶
Stationary covariance function.
- Parameters:
- factor_stationary_cov: function(H, L1, L2)
Covariance function. Only allow covariances that factor into a stationary spatial part that only depends on the euclidean distance matrix H and a purely response index component. L1 and L2 are the index matrix.
- n_out: int
Number of output dimensions.
(S1, S2, L1, L2)Same as above, but for vector of measurements.
- K(S1, S2, L1, L2)¶
Same as above, but for vector of measurements.
- Parameters:
- S1: (M, d) Tensor
Spatial location vector. Note if d=1, should still have two dimensions.
- S2: (N, d) Tensor
Spatial location vector.
- L1: (M) Tensor
Response indices vector.
- L2: (N) Tensor
Response indices vector.
- Returns:
- K: (M, N) Tensor
Covariane matrix between the two sets of measurements.
meslas.covariance.old module¶
Saving ideas from the first reflections about implementation.
- meslas.covariance.old.K_isotopic(X1, X2, J_full)¶
Compute the covariance matrices between all components of X1 and X2. Saves time since distance between each point are only computed once (would need to compute once for each response index otherwise.
- meslas.covariance.old.k(x1, x2, j1, j2)¶
Computes (cross)-covariance between a set of measures.
TODO: We only consider stationary, so maybe get rid of x1, x2 and just consider h.
- Parameters:
- x1: Tensor
Locations of first measurement.
- j1: Tensor
Response index of first measurement.
- x2: Tensor
Locations of second measurement.
- j2: Tensor
Response index of second measurement.
- Returns:
- Scalar Tensor
Cross-covariance between Z^j1(x1) and Z^j2(x2).
-, J)¶
computes mean vector for given set of locations/response indices.
- meslas.covariance.old.sample(X, J, seed=0)¶
Sample a multivariate random field at measurement points (X,J).
- Returns:
- Tensor
Shape (X.shape[0]), sampled values.
- meslas.covariance.old.sample_isotopic(X)¶
Sample all response components at given locations.
meslas.covariance.spatial_covariance_functions module¶
Basic covariance functions.
- meslas.covariance.spatial_covariance_functions.Matern32(lmbda, sigma=1.0)¶
Create a Matern32 covariance function.
Note that in the multivariate case, we usually set sigma to 1 and define the variances in the cross-covariance function.
- Parameters:
- lmbda: Tensor
Lengthscale parameter.
- sigma: Tensor
Standard deviation.
- Returns:
- function(H)
Matern32 covariance function.Take matrix of euclidean distances as input.